Monday, July 21, 2008

VBS at La Roca

Wow! What an exciting time we have had over the past three months! With interns here from Grace Covenant as well as students from the George School in Pennsylvania, we have done construction, clean up, Bible schools, delivered hygiene bags and clothes to the rancho, opened La Roca and had incredible devotional times in the midst of it all.

So, since there is more to tell than we can write in one short letter we are going to let the photos tell the story. God bless you. Keep us in your prayers and if God lays it on your heart to help us in anyway financially we would greatly appreciate it. God has moved in mighty ways here and there is much more to come. We invite you to be a part of it!

Here’s a look!

Worship Time! The kids sang songs about honesty, faithfulness, teamwork, and following the Lord!


This young lady has had a good day :)

Carolyn, Fernando, Lisa and John prepare hot dogs.

The children play in the recently cleaned JARDIN (garden)!

La Roca's new sign!

Time to listen to God's word.


Lisa's new friends

Jim talks with the kids.

Being the first of its kind in San Luis, La Roca opened on July 18th with a Vacation Bible school that, at first, we were not sure would be attended!

The VBS was to start at 10:00. At 10: 20 we had no children. We were so disappointed but we just kept praying and believing that this was something God wanted us to do. Finally, close to 11:00 one little girl shyly entered the door. As the morning passed kids kept trickling in and by the end of the day we had 18 kids! They are loving the VBS and the attendance has been doubling each day to end the week with 76 kids!!!!!!! God is blessing us not only with the presence of these children but with volunteers from the neighborhood who are offering to help us in any way they can.

One example is Erial and Flore an artist couple from across the street who brought their son Giovanni to Bible school. They caught the vision for what the Lord is doing at LaRoca and though they are not yet believers have offered to volunteer free art classes to the kids who come to La Roca twice a week!

To hear these children squeal with excitement as they come through the door and participate with all their hearts in every activity has been a blessing that is hard to describe. Thank you so much for helping make this possible. We know that this is just the beginning of what God is going to do in this neighborhood and it would not be possible without you.

May God richly bless you and your family as we work together to build the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior.

Jim and Lisa McTighe

Servants International