Thursday, June 26, 2008

June/July 2007

Dear friends and family,

Wow what a busy summer this has been and it is not even over! June started out with Lisa attending a two week missions encounter in L.A. that is a requirement for Foursquare missionaries. Jim stayed back in Mexico with Patrick to finish out the school year and keep things going at Guadalupe Victoria. Lisa learned a lot about how missions works in Foursquare and got to hear many inspiring stories from other missionaries who had been on the field for many years. She was in a class with 15 other missionaries who are going to be stationed everywhere from Ireland to South Africa. It was an incredible experience for her to be with these wonderful people and we look forward to keeping up with them through the years to see what God will be doing in all their lives and ministries.

A Divine Appointment!

Just when she thought it was all winding down, Lisa met an incredible young woman on the plane home who was on her way to San Luis Potosi for the second year with a group of young people from the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Her name is Shelli Brown and she and Lisa hit it off like sister from the moment they began to talk. They exchanged numbers and we had the opportunity to join their team for a day of ministry in the town of Rio Verde where they partnered with a local church for VBS and conducted a sports camp in a local public park. It was awesome to see over 200 kids have the opportunity to engage is sports with these Christian athletes.

Karla, Lisa, Shelli Brown, Missy

VBS for the small children was a huge hit!

The Barretts inspiring and working with the children

FCA college athletes working with the kids

These mission trips have come about through a vision of Jean Barrett. Jean has a manufacturing company in Rio Verde, SLP, Mexico and is a former NFL player with the San Francisco 49ers. He has had FCA sports camps in his home state of Oklahoma for 10 years and had the vision to bring the same camp to Mexico. We are glad he did and look forward to seeing them again next year. We continue to marvel at the creative ways God makes Himself known and the beautiful way the body of Christ functions together. Many came to know Christ as a result of their being here and the week ended with a big cook-out where they served hundreds of hamburgers, chips and cokes!

P.S. Did I mention that Shelli is moving to Charlotte and is going be attending Grace Covenant? ............ is God good or what?! Please find her, say hello and give her a warm welcome!

July took us to the states where we met our girls Kristen (26) and Britany (28) as well as Lisa’s Dad (81) for a week at the beach at South Padre Island. It was the first time since Christmas that we had all been together. Needless to say we
were thrilled to get to be with them.

Top: with Britany Bottom: Patrick with Kristen

Patrick's cratering birthday cake flambe'

While there we celebrated Patrick’s 15th birthday complete with a homemade chocolate cake, his favorite meal of pork chops and mashed potatoes and ended the day with a rousing game of Apples to Apples. It was a perfect day. There is nothing like family. It was just all too brief. The week ended with Britany going back to New York City where she will be teaching for the 3rd year a Rye High school. Kristen and Patrick went with Papa back to Rome Georgia where they attended his infamous “Papa Camp” that included 4 wheelers, fishing, horse back riding, shooting guns and wearing the grass off in the back pasture with a go cart! After having a blast with their forever young Papa (81), Kristen returned to Baton Rouge where she is finishing her 3rd and final year of Graduate school at LSU and Patrick came back to Mexico on July 29th to help interpret for a mission team from Massachusetts in La Huestecta (Mexican jungle).

Guadalupe Victoria
Things are still progressing at the rancho. We are h
aving church services one Sunday a month, special Bible institute classes for leadership and doctrine classes for the local pastors in the area. We saw one woman (Juana) healed from a shoulder injury that kept her from raising her arm. She came for prayer after a church service and she was moving her arm above her head and praising God for her healing! Luisa also came for prayer and was healed from strong headaches that have plagued her for years. God is so faithful and He is proving Himself over and over at Guadalupe Victoria in many ways. Jim taught the discipleship classes while Lisa was in L.A. and has been building shelves along with some of the guys at the rancho, for the trading post we have started.

Lisa and Karla addressing a women's group.

Following the lead of some of the women who would bring us tortillas or tunas (fruit from the cactus) to exchange for clothes and shoes, we decided that the people there are really wanting to have a hand in bettering their lives rather than just getting a hand out. It has been a beautiful thing to watch and is proving to be a blessing to all. The women and some of the youth leaders are arranging the clothes and other items in the “store” and are really doing a great job organizing things and setting up the system for disbursement.
We are also getting the sense that God wants us to build a church building there. We talked to a Christian friend who is a builder and he has agreed to help us make the plans and clear the land. We will keep you post
ed on the progress. This same builder is going to also help us access some of the housing needs so that the team from GCC can help with repairs when they come in November.

Jim and the boys building shelves.

The weather here has been extraordinarily wet and cool this year. This has been a fantastic blessing for the crops and the livestock as God has not only changed the spirit of the people but completely changed the complexcion of this desert community.

Pigs love puddles!

Well those are the highlights of what has been going on in our end of the world. We hope that you are having a great summer and that you are taking time to enjoy your families. We also want you to know that we appreciate your support of our family here in Mexico. Without your prayers and financial support we would not be able to be here doing what God has called us to do. Thank you for your faithfulness. We know God will richly bless you as you sow into His Kingdom. We love you and pray God’s richest blessings upon you. May His presence be your portion in all you do.

Serving Him in Mexico,

Jim, Lisa and Patrick McTighe

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