Thursday, June 26, 2008

September/October 2007

Dear friends and family,

We hope that this finds you all doing well. Life here has been extremely busy as we are sure it is for you. School is back in session and we have been busy working at Guadalupe Victoria, resuming our Thursday Bible study in our home and building an evangelism team for outreach.

Guadalupe Victoria:
We have continued our discipleship classes and we are seeing a real understanding take place in our group. We are teaching a lot on evangelizing and they are all anxious to learn how to share their faith. It is very exciting. These teens that usually start having babies by age 18 are now starting to believe in a future they never thought possible. God is so faithful!

Waters of Grace is continuing and we are investigating the possibility of drilling another well. The “trading post” where people, come to “shop” for needed items like clothes and shoes, is also going well. They trade services like cleaning the buildings and grounds for goods. They love it!

Going back to school was made an exciting time At Guadalupe Victoria. This year, for what usually is a stressful time due to the lack of needed school supplies, the families enjoyed a happy time with the generosity of the International Club of San Luis who helped us purchase back packs and supplies for all the children. Team work is an awesome thing… everybody wins!

Bible Study:
The (English) Bible study is going great! We have 10 women now from three counties and 7 different U.S. states who are taking the class. These women are mostly wives of corporate executives who have been transferred here with their jobs for a period of 1-4 years. They are from many different religious backgrounds (or none) and it has been beautiful to watch God move in our hearts as we gather each week and share the Bible and pray for each other.

“La Roca” The Rock
Through some miraculous circumstances, we have made a friend who has offered to bless us with a warehouse space to use for our ministry. This space is right between a rather affluent area and a very poor neighborhood. We are not exactly sure what God wants us to use it for, but our sense is that it is to be a Christian Community Center where families can come with their children for recreation and classes .We are also believing that this is the place where we will be able to disciple and train evangelism outreach teams to not only reach the ranchos but the inner city of San Luis Potosi as well. God is putting the team together and we are praying, watching and walking one step at a time.

Well, that’s all for now. Thank you again for your faithful support. Without your financial help sustaining and expanding this ministry would not be possible. May God bless you richly for your generosity for the Kingdom.

Serving the Lord in Mexico,

Jim, Lisa and Patrick McTighe

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