Thursday, June 26, 2008

April 2008

Dear friends and family.

We hope this letter finds you doing well. Things have been busy as usual this month as we wind down the school year schedule and get ourselves geared up for a ministry packed summer.

W.O.W. Bible Study:

The Women of Worth International Bible study is still in full swing. We are studying the Purpose Driven Life this term and have had many incredible discussions about how to get our lives fully lined up with God’s purposes .We have also had 6 women accept the Lord as their Savior and have had many answered prayers that have encouraged our faith! God is so faithful!

La Roca: The youth group from one of the churches that’s working with us at La Roca held a work day to clean up construction debris and prepare the entrance for flowers that they have decided to sponsor. It is so awesome to watch as the body of Christ works together. The kids are pumped about La Roca and are looking forward to hanging out and inviting their friends to the new digs! A youth alliance has been formed in San Luis for the purpose of bringing youth groups from many different churches together at one time for conferences ,concerts, outreach projects etc. We are hoping to host these events at La Roca and be a part of what God is obviously doing here.

We also had a leadership meeting this month and are putting the different facets of the plan into action. There is much to do but everyone is looking forward to what we sense God doing in our midst.

Meetings with Pastors: Partnering with local churches for outreach is one of our goals for 2008. Part of our vision is to establish relationships with local churches in order to have churches that are willing to disciple new believers .This month we met with two pastors and their wives to tell them what God has laid on our heart. Both couples were very excited about working with us and have offered to help us in any way they can. One of the pastors we met with has planted 11 home churches in San Luis. We all share the same passion of spreading the gospel in San Luis and look forward to seeing those small home groups grow as people get saved during the summer outreaches.

Guadalupe Victoria: Discipleship classes are proceeding as usual at Guadalupe Victoria.

There is a team that is covering everything on Saturdays that is independent of our efforts. We really sense our season there ,for the most part, has come to a close. Though we are still planning to bring some of our youth from GV to help us with out reach this summer, we sense that the work there is in good hands and it is time for us to focus on La Roca. We will miss them terribly but there will always be visits from time to time.

Prayer requests:

* La Roca- preparation, training and outreach for the summer and beyond

* Health- Jim has been in a lot of pain with his back

* Materials and man power needed for the outreaches

*Favor with officials and people in general

*Right school for Patrick for next year

Thanks again to all of you are so faith fully support us each month with you finances and your prayers. We could not be here with out you. God Bless you.

His in Mexico,

Jim, Lisa and Patrick

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