Thursday, June 26, 2008

February 2008

Dear friends and family,

We hope this letter finds you well and blessed. First quarter has certainly gotten off to a running start. This month has been filled with family news as well as activity in the ministry here.

As many of you know Patrick had to be taken to the hospital in San Luis for an emergency appendectomy. A bit scary to face surgery in a foreign country, but he faced it like a trooper and was very comforted knowing so many of you were praying for him.

W.O.W. International Bible Study: The Women of Worth are moving forward and our meetings have been rich. We meet every Thursday morning and have been growing in number every week. Our most recent member is Sylvia from East Germany. Though she has no background in church what so ever, she is eager to learn and is asking some very challenging questions. It’s a thrill to get to be a part of her journey. We are up to 21 women now from 7 different countries! It is incredible to watch God work!

English Church Service
We finally have a church service here that is in English. Though we are working hard on our Spanish, it is nice to be able to go to church in our native language. There is a wonderful church here that is very missions oriented that has started an English service on Sunday mornings. We are really enjoying the services and Lisa is getting to sing on the worship team which, of course, she loves. We are planning to work with the

Children’s pastor this summer for VBS at La Rocca. Lisa was also invited to speak at a marriage conference sponsored by the church of another missionary here from the states. We never cease to be amazed at how God uses all of the twists and turns in our lives for His glory. Romans 8:28 is definitely true!

La Roca: Jim and a team of men from San Luis and Guadalupe Victoria have been cleaning out debris and building stairs to get La Rocca ready. Thank goodness for the internet and the “how to” websites! Please be praying that the man who owns the building will follow through with his promise to put in bathrooms and electricity.

We are also planning our outreach team trainings that will start in April. So far, we have 35 people that want to be on the La Rcca team. We are humbled and amazed at how God is drawing people.

Moving: We found out a few weeks ago that the house where we currently live has been sold and we are going to have to move. This will be our 6th move since our house burned 3 years ago! We were shocked at first because we really like the house where we live and it is really feeling like home. But we kept praying that God would bring us a house that we liked as well. The market here has gotten very pricy and it was not looking good. But, Jim believed we would find one that would be even better and less money. And that is exactly what happened. We found a great house and it’s much less expensive then the other one! God is so faithful. Plus, the landlord has said that we can live there as long as we need to. They want to keep the house in the family and have no intentions of selling it.

Thank You so very much for your faithful financial support. Without your help this ministry would not be possible. Thank you, Thank you Thank you! May God richly bless you for your heart to serve through your giving?

Prayer requests:
* We are looking for 30 people to be intercessors for this ministry. Our vision is that each person would take one day a month that they would pray fervently for us. Pray and see if God lays it on your heart to be one of them.

*Lisa’s dad is having some problems with headaches and pressure in his head. Doctors not sure what it is .Please pray for his healing.

*We want wisdom in the area of Patrick’s schooling. Where he should be next year for High school

*Interns: Please pray about the interns we want to come from the states this summer to help us with La Rocca (information at available on World impact board at GCC)

* Trainings for outreach

*Good health for all of us especially Jim

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